its almost the same feeling when u finally get rid of that devilish little piece of fish-bone lodged inside a remote corner of your upper gum .... i mean its sort of a mixed feeling ( that we usually tend to deny) ... Happy, that its finally done giving you all the pain ... Sorry, that it had to happen ... and Confused, as to whats next .....
perhaps the only good thing about not having a "sweet" dream is the fact that when this dream has ended, u know the next one can only be better ..... its like waking up to find everything that went bad in the dream, has actually not changed in the real life .... just a vague memory should linger after you've slept some more .....
you don't dream when you are awake ... but a dream is made of the things that happen to you only when you are awake ..... so, the next time you curse the dream (gone bad) and sigh that it was not for real, do take into account, the ones you made or broke while you were but asleep in another's dream .....
they say - " when its a chocolate that you want, ask for a chocolate... not fish .... "
ayways, a fish lives in the seas , appears shiny but smells indecently .....