Thursday, July 3, 2008

Through The Looking Glass

It’s nearly been seven years since I put on my first pair of glasses. I was pretty excited when I chose the brown shellac frame from among the twenty odd designs that the dealer showed us. In another two days I had the final thing in my hands. I put them on and life changed, forever!
For the first couple of days it was pretty cool … everywhere I went, everyone noticed change …. I personally thought I looked better wearing them … They were more like a fashion accessory. I took them off every now and then to clean the lenses and as directed, handled it with care. By the third day or so I had started having headaches whenever I had them on for more than two hours at a time. And by the end of the first week I’d grown tired them. But wearing them meant that now I could now make out the digits on the wall calendar from the other end of the room and my nightmares of failing to read the bus number had stopped haunting me. But with this new corrected vision came some not so pleasant experiences. Little involuntary chores now seemed frustratingly difficult ... every now and then I would find myself washing my face without having removed them ,and misplacing them every now and then … and later to find them in odd places like inside the wardrobe or inside the washbasin ….. I finally broke them halfway through the third week … I had put them inside the pockets of my track-pants and had just bent down to pick up the ball when I heard a noise that I know only too well by now …….
Since then I have seen quite a lot of this world , quietly literally, through the glasses of course. I have had a lot adventures and misadventures with them and while wearing them… broken them , had them mended and then broken them again … I love them so much that I never take them off even during a football match and still have eyes unscathed …and I still find brand new ways to have them broken ….

At the end of the day when I finally take them off to call it a night , I know they would be the first thing I’d LOOK around for helplessly , come the following morning … Cant imagine what I would do without them … wouldn't be writing this blog perhaps ….

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