Sunday, August 9, 2009

NOT a MOT - not a matter of taste

Sunday, 11:45 AM, the fellow has just managed to drag himself out of bed: “If u asked me, I would say a Sunday is best left un-meddled with…. At Symbi, this is the part of the week which is meant for better things… to sleep , to laze around, answering mails, checking out the toiletries ( may be do an ABC analysis ) and wash your clothes…"

P.S. " the point being, Sundays are meant for better things.”

Monday, 8:00 AM sharp: As soon as the alarm begins with its earnest quest of waking up a dead body, a limb crawls out of the sheet and stifles it’s plead. In another five minutes a zombie will be walking around cursing the poor phone-alarm’s incompetence before groping around for the glasses. Then it would be “Time to brush!”, but he’d definitely not find the toothpaste on the first go …. “Where did I keep it? Was it the drawer… maybe the shelf?”…

P.S. More commotion follows when the zombie is stopped at the lavatory door due to the antics of an untimely occupant.

lWednesday, quarter to 9:00 AM: “The worst part of the deal is the breakfast. The ones working in the mess would insist that this opinion of mine doesn’t count, simply because I hardly ever have breakfast. But let me assure you that this has nothing to do with quality of the food or the lack of it. I, so ensure that I don’t have a bad-hair day that I have to sacrifice the food, almost every day. But then, I always end up having one , and with amazing frequency too. How? That’s a "trade" secret you can live without.”

P.S, " Before Investing , do read Opportunity Cost!"

Friday, 5:16 PM: “At least people have been able to avert those caught-blissfully-dozing-right-under-the-teacher’s-nose tragedies in this last month. That’s an improvement, to start with. Then there are the chalk-throwing-back-to-school-moments that “bachhe” have had to do away with. Sometimes life at Symbi IS tough. What say?”

P.S. "Yes! May be.. Who Knows. "


Priyanka said...

You thief!! :x

Ion said...

:D ha ha !!! early bird gets the worm !!

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