Thursday, March 18, 2010

No !

Right! This is where I stand. See me? No? Okay, how about now? No?... Fine, I’ll wait here.

For the first time in my life, I was in a restaurant with a girl. But, I wasn’t ready to look her in the eyes. It made me uneasy. Fidgeting with the ketchup bottle, I saw how red it was from inside.The reflection in the small mirror on the wall confirmed a similar state of affairs on my face. She was anxious. She didn’t give away any reason though. For, carefully planned, I had imagined those beautiful few would be moments over and over, all of last night; actually, every night since the last few nights, to be honest.

But when it came to telling you all I did was blurt it out like it was some kind of an ultra auto-reflex muscle contraction, that had squeezed it out of me. I saw her eyes tremble. Her eyes trembled. Her lips broke into a shaky curl ; almost reminding me of how beautiful i thought her smile was. She spoke. “My turn to listen.”
When she spoke, I wasn’t there. I couldn’t feel my senses. I smiled.

Here, I stood. My first brush with a feeling I called Love. Were you there? No?... Fine, I’ll wait here.

Today, as I stand here, I can see everything. I can see how hazy you had made me. You were wearing your hair in a bun and I had my heart on my sleeves. Reckless! But, you wanted to hear exactly what I wanted to say, that day. I thank thee, for you showed me that it was “okay”.
I don’t know why I tried calling you 4 years hence. Had I said sorry, you would have asked “but, why?

And, I don’t want to lie any more…..
Are you there, yet? No?... Fine, wake me up and I’ll happily move.

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