Sunday, May 11, 2008


as i lay mesmerised under the night sky i promised myself to spend more time this way .... time stood still as the gentle breeze set my soul to peace ... the stars shone brightly against the dark velvet as the rain the other night, had doused some of the unwanted aerosols .. the terrace was deserted unlike on otherdays when the home team wasnt playing in an IPL crunch match, having the terrace all to myself almost gave me the rare sense of being left alone for a while ... i needed it badly , no doubt...tonight i had the earphones playin at a very soft tone some of my favourite songs ... but the lyrics seemed different than the last time i'd heard them .. it was certainly filled with more meaning , the words didnt seem empty tonight ... there were no clouds .. there seldom is ,on a summer evening . everything was serene , and the distant train horn didnt seem to disturb today , it added to the aura ... memories kept flooding me with different emotions.. the good, the bad and the ugly ... when i tried to join the lustrous dots in the sky various shapes came into form , like the ad where a whale comes into being , but i thought i saw a question mark when i joined the closest group of stars i could see ... i was having fun , and it was rare ... i felt like a kid , i wanted more out of it tonight ... as if greedy and starved of the kind of quality time we all desire .. i was having it ... the thoughts of failures didnt seem to torment me this night... instead they turned happier ... i realised that i was an exception .. i was a tangent to the circle of the scheme of things that have happened till now .. i have had them touch me only at a point and not let them cut through ... and vice versa. which has been good actually , i've lived a rather fulfilling life this way ... you always do when u learn not to expect beforehand the good things that happen to you ... its easy to do .. only thing is its difficult to learn ,probably ... afterall sacrifices tend to dislocate the happiness , but realty is it only acts as a smokescreen infront of joys unbound ....

and then it happened ! i saw a magnificient comet like object shoot from my left and vanish into the right ... it was a shooting star ! the first one i had ever seen in real life ... " what an evening it has been !!" i thought ... and trying not to spoil it any further i quickly made a wish , gathered myself and ran down to check the score ... kkr was staring at yet another defeat .......

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